How to clear a YouTube copyright claim on your video
To use music in your own YouTube Videos & monetize your content, a license is required.
If you have purchased a license from a royalty free provider Eg: Pond5 Or AudioJungle please proceed below on how to White list or Clear a Copyright Claim on your channel.
Alternatively to acquire a license go to the ALBUMS page, select music from an Album of your choice and under "Royalty Free License" there is a link to attain a license.
Once you have acquired a license suitable for your audience capacity, the license provider is required to e-mail you or provide a download link for your license of your particular media.
How to White List a YouTube Channel to avoid Copyright Claims
Using the above steps & acquiring a license we can now add your channel to our database to clear all of your future videos using KORDS Audio from copyright claims forever.
In order for us to complete this step, please provide us with:
A copy of your license certificate.
A direct link to the channel in which you will be using the Audio (this may be your own channel or a client’s channel, for example if you are producing videos for them)
*Alternatively send this information to:
Please Note: Occasionally, white listing a YouTube channel may not be possible if there are existing, uncleared copyright claims from another author/rights-holder on that channel. If so, these must be individually cleared first, before the channel can be white listed.
How to clear a YouTube Copyright Claim on a Video
To clear a claim, you simply need to let us know that you have licensed the music and have the rights to use it.
In order for us to complete this step, please provide us with:
A copy of your license certificate.
A direct link to the video in which you are using the Audio (this may be your own video or a client’s video, for example if you are producing videos for them)
*Alternatively send this information to: